Monday, June 25, 2007

Arkansas Shakespeare Festival

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket came and went. We laughed, we cried, and we worked our asses off. This was the first experience of this caliber that i have worked, ever. It is amazing to me the group of people who all met that day at Mikes Place in down town Conway, Not many people knowing each other. We all came together and made some pretty kick ass theater, and we did it in 6 weeks. My girlfriend and i got to work together in our first ever professional jobs. It was a really good experience, and we may never have a chance to do that again.
We met some really good people along the way. Some from New York, a wonderful lady named Anna Stone. Full of knowledge and life, was a blast and knew how to host a party. Also from New York, the man who stole the Midsummer Nights Dream, Dan Matissa. One of the coolest guys i have ever met. Full of information about the business and was more than willing to let us newbies know the ropes. Also the lead role in the Man of La Mancha, Steven Hauck, was an amazing actor and singer. Jeffrey France was the director for Midsummer and it was stated by some to be the best production of the show they had ever seen. My designer Matt Bassett was a great person to work under, he taught me lots of things i didn't know about the process before hand, but most importantly we became great friends. And to mention one more name, they didn't hire Matt Chiorini for nothing. After six weeks of loosing his hair and biting his fingers off, he pulled off a great show.
Most importantly, we brought together lots of awesome people from all over the country and got to have a great time. It was bittersweet walking out of the auditorium that last night. So glad and so sad at the same time that it was over. Loved the stress that it brought to all of our lives, yet was stress at the same time. It was the first Arkansas Shakespeare Theatre ever, and i was a part of it. I'm in its books, all of us are. That is a beautiful thing. To all who helped, contributed, and came to watch, Thank you for the best and most tiring six weeks of my life.
I wanted to keep this blog informative and not as personal, but this experience deserved this type of recognition. It touched us all.

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